Can´t disconnect Ipod after transfering songs, letting all files on the ipod orphaned.

Jörg Spilker js at
Sun Jul 8 18:13:43 UTC 2007


i´m using Amarok 1.4.6 with libgpod-0.5.3SVN-6.1. When i connect my IPod, 
everything is fine. The device /dev/sde2 is mounted to /media/12spilks IP and 
i can transfer files.

However when i try to disconnect, nothing happens. The Ipod shows still the 
message "do not disconnect". But /dev/sde2 isn´t unmounted. So the only way 
for me is to manually remove the Ipod which leaves all the copied files as 
orphaned and unusuable on the ipod.

I´ve attached the debug output. Maybe someone has an idea how to get it work.

Greetings, Jörg
amarok:         [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_ipod-mediadevice
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KActionCollection::KActionCollection( QObject 
*parent, const char *name, KInstance *instance )
amarok:         PluginManager Service Info:
amarok:         ---------------------------
amarok:         name                          : Apple iPod-Mediengerät
amarok:         library                       : libamarok_ipod-mediadevice
amarok:         desktopEntryPath              : 
amarok:         X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype       : mediadevice
amarok:         X-KDE-Amarok-name             : ipod-mediadevice
amarok:         X-KDE-Amarok-authors          : (Martin Aumueller)
amarok:         X-KDE-Amarok-rank             : 100
amarok:         X-KDE-Amarok-version          : 1
amarok:         X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: 29
amarok: END__: static Amarok::Plugin* PluginManager::createFromQuery(const 
QString&) - Took 0.14s
amarok:       [MediaBrowser] Returning plugin!
amarok: END__: MediaDevice* MediaBrowser::loadDevicePlugin(const QString&) - 
Took 0.15s
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] running pre-connect command: [mount /dev/sde2]
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] pre-connect: e=1
amarok:     [IpodMediaDevice] detected video-capable iPod
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceManager::slotMediumAdded(const Medium*, 
QString) - Took 25s
amarok: BEGIN: void MountPointManager::mediumAdded(const Medium*)
amarok:     [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking handlers
amarok:     [MountPointManager] found handler 
for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_B9C9_F550
amarok:     [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Found existing UUID config for ID 16 , 
uuid /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_B9C9_F550
amarok:     [MountPointManager] added device 16 with mount 
point /media/12SPILKS IP
amarok: END__: void MountPointManager::mediumAdded(const Medium*) - Took 0.46s
amarok: END__: void DeviceManager::mediumAdded(QString) - Took 26s
amarok: BEGIN: void DeviceManager::mediumChanged(QString)
amarok: BEGIN: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString)
amarok:     DeviceManager: getDevice called with name argument = sde2
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList()
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ThreadManager::Thread::run()
amarok: END__: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList() - Took 0.005s
amarok: END__: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString) - Took 0.017s
amarok:     [DeviceManager::mediumChanged] Obtained medium name is sde2, id 
is: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_B9C9_F550
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] running pre-connect command: [mount /dev/sde2]
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] pre-connect: e=1
amarok: END__: virtual void ThreadManager::Thread::run() - Took 3.3s
amarok:   [IpodMediaDevice] detected video-capable iPod
amarok:   [ThreadManager] Job completed: CurrentTrackJob. Jobs pending: 0
amarok: BEGIN: ScanController::ScanController(CollectionDB*, bool, const 
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanController::initIncremental()
amarok: BEGIN: void DeviceManager::mediumChanged(QString)
amarok: BEGIN: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString)
amarok:           DeviceManager: getDevice called with name argument = sde2
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList()
amarok: END__: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList() - Took 0.0016s
amarok: END__: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString) - Took 0.0041s
amarok:         [DeviceManager::mediumChanged] Obtained medium name is sde2, 
id is: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_B9C9_F550
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ThreadManager::Thread::run()
amarok: BEGIN: virtual bool UrlUpdateJob::doJob()
amarok: BEGIN: void MountPointManager::mediumChanged(const Medium*)
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler 
for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_B9C9_F550
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Trying to update 219 statistics rows
amarok:               [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Found existing UUID config 
for ID 16 , uuid /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_B9C9_F550
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Key 16 already exists in handlerMap, 
amarok:               [MountPointManager] added device 16 with mount 
point /media/12SPILKS IP
amarok: END__: void MountPointManager::mediumChanged(const Medium*) - Took 
amarok: END__: void DeviceManager::mediumChanged(QString) - Took 0.47s
amarok: BEGIN: void DeviceManager::mediumChanged(QString)
amarok: BEGIN: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString)
amarok:               DeviceManager: getDevice called with name argument = 
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList()
amarok: END__: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList() - Took 0.024s
amarok: END__: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString) - Took 0.027s
amarok:             [DeviceManager::mediumChanged] Obtained medium name is 
sde2, id is: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_B9C9_F550
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ThreadManager::Thread::run()
amarok: BEGIN: void MountPointManager::mediumChanged(const Medium*)
amarok:                 [MountPointManager] found handler 
for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_B9C9_F550
amarok:                 [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Found existing UUID config 
for ID 16 , uuid /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_B9C9_F550
amarok:                 [MountPointManager] Key 16 already exists in 
handlerMap, replacing
amarok:                 [MountPointManager] added device 16 with mount 
point /media/12SPILKS IP

amarok: BEGIN: bool MediaDevice::disconnectDevice(bool)
amarok:   [Medamarok: BEGIN: bool MediaDevice::disconnectDevice(bool)
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] disconnecting: hook=true
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] disconnecting: locked
amarok: END__: bool MediaDevice::disconnectDevice(bool) - Took 0.00014s
amarok: BEGIN: bool MediaDevice::disconnectDevice(bool)
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] disconnecting: hook=true
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] disconnecting: locked
amarok: END__: bool MediaDevice::disconnectDevice(bool) - Took 0.00015s
amarok: BEGIN: bool MediaDevice::disconnectDevice(bool)
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] disconnecting: hook=true
amarok:     [MediaBrowser] disconnecting: locked
amarok: END__: bool MediaDevice::disconnectDevice(bool) - Took 0.00018s
iaBrowser] disconnecting: hook=true
amarok:   [MediaBrowser] disconnecting: ok

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