
Leo Franchi lfranchi at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 23:36:04 UTC 2007

On 8/4/07, Ian Monroe <ian at monroe.nu> wrote:
> On 8/3/07, Patrick C <patrick.pxc.c at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi, all. I'm not sure if this is the right mailing list or if these
> kinds of
> > requests should go on the main one, but here goes:
> >
> > I'm a high school student with minimal programming experience (I took a
> > couple of Java classes, and my final projects are a report and Tetris
> > clone), but (I think) a good understanding of the basics and a love for
> > FOSS, Linux, KDE, and most specifically Amarok.
> One of the first apps I wrote was a Puyo-puyo clone (a game itself
> written to exploit Tetris popularity). I wonder how many Tetris clones
> have been written. Thousands maybe. :)
> Anyways just adding to what Nikolaj said, compiling Amarok 2 should be
> an educational experience in itself. Then just hang out in #amarok
> long enough and you'll probably find some task to do.
> There's a huge amount of work to do for Amarok 2.0. Basically many of
> the features of Amarok 1.4 have to be reimplemented.

if you desperately need something to do, come talk to me on #amarok,
i've got a few interesting jobs that i don't have time to do at the
moment (and are vital to amarok

my nick is lfranchi.


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> Amarok mailing list
> Amarok at kde.org
> https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/amarok

Leo Franchi                    angel666 at myrealbox.com
4305 Charlemagne Ct         lfranchi at gmail.com
Austin                                 cell: (650) 704 3680
TX, USA                              home: (650) 329 0125
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