BPM/Tempo field

Alf Lervag alfborge at stud.ntnu.no
Wed May 31 16:04:31 UTC 2006

iTunes and many other jukebox applications support the TBPM tag (id3),
the BPM tag (vorbiscomment) and the bpm tag in mp4 files.  However,
this support is sadly lacking in amaroK.

The attached patch is my attempt at implementing this feature in
amaroK svn.  I've used this patch for some time on my own systems and
I haven't experienced any problems that I could trace back to the

I was hoping to get the patch included in the 1.4.1 release, so if
anyone has time to test it out I'd be very happy.

The patch is also available as attachment #16381 to bug #123142.

Alf Lervåg
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