100% CPU usage with SVN trunk

Christie Harris dangle.baby at gmail.com
Sun Jun 18 05:08:45 UTC 2006

On Sunday 18 June 2006 14:00, David R. Litwin wrote:
> On 17/06/06, Dan Meltzer <hydrogen at notyetimplemented.com> wrote:
> > On Saturday 17 June 2006 6:15 am, Mark Kretschmann wrote:
> >
> > Possibly related to inotify? I know that it currently can spike to 100%
> > if one
> > edits files, not sure if this user did it, but it seems possible.
> Greetings. I am the user whos problem this is.
> I certainly wo't rule out inotify. However, in the backtrace, there
> was no mention of inotify. What seems to trigger the QObject: #
> timers now exist message is amarok: [ThreadWeaver] Threads in pool:
> 3 . This preceeds the QObject mayhem. But, let's try to completely
> chuck or confirm the inotify: What files are you refering to that
> I may have edited? The sound files? If so, do you mean the tags, or
> the music itself.? Perhaps you mean another type of file.
> I'll be happy to tell you all that I can to get this situation rectified.
> Cheers, and thanks.
> My appologies. It says right below that the ThreadWeaver forcibly
> terminated INotify. I suppose now it depends on which files you refer to.
> Exellent: A possible lead!
> Cheers yet again.
> [ThreadWeaver] Forcibly terminating INotify thread...

I get 100% cpu from Amarok if I do any musicbrainz lookup. (revision 552508, 
tunepimp 0.4.2)
The lookups are never successful, sitting with a busy cursor indefinitely, 
The only debug I see is this:

amarok: [void TagDialog::musicbrainzQuery()]
amarok:     [virtual void 
KTRMLookup::unrecognized()]  /misc/mp3/Rock_and_Blues/Compilations/She_Will_Have_Her_Way__The_Songs_of_Tim_and_Neil_Finn_(disc_2)/15_-_Tim_Finn_-_Persuasion.mp3

If I cancel the tag editor dialogue, the busy cursor goes back to normal, but 
the process still runs, still uses high CPU, and if I attempt another lookup 
on a different track, it tries again with the one it failed on.
The high CPU continues until I quit and restart Amarok.

Dunno if that sheds any different light on the problem, although I suspect 
this one has nothing to do with inotify.

Cheers, Christie

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