Quick Start Guide progress

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 12:26:11 CEST 2010

Hi all -- with the help of Mamarok and Tim, we've really made rapid
progress. Almost all images are in place, all HTML has been removed
and replaced with wiki markup, and a great deal of excess verbiage has
been edited out. Please stop by and fix anything you see that needs
fixing. For instance, click links and make sure they are correct!

I loved the Glossary, and now we are linking each term to its
explanation directly. So the Glossary can be moved to the Handbook
proper, as is the usual practice.

Tonight I went through the old FAQ, and updated/removed old cruft.
Mamarok has moved it into the Handbook, and will continue editing on
it today. It's more up-to-date than I had remembered. :-)

Please look at the over-all organization and give your feedback here
-- I want to hear your thoughts.

Thanks again, team. You rock!


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