kdedevelopers.org and its issues

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at kde.org
Sat Jan 17 11:14:52 CET 2009


I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss this topic, but it
feels kinda right, and the people here are of the "getting things
done" type, which I like.

The problem:

Have you ever wondered why blog posts on kdedevelopers.org receive 0-3
comments on average? No? I have.

Is this a real problem? Yes, it is! Comments are a vital part of
blogging. They provide the "interactive" component. They inspire
discussion, which is great.

The reason:

The reason for the low number of comments is that the site requires
registering for posting a comment. Clearly, many people are not
willing to overcome this hurdle. This keeps them from participating in
the comments discussions.

The solution:

Get rid of the required login. Alternatives are a moderation system, a
captcha, a spam filter plugin, or a combination of these methods.

Mark "YesWeCan" Kretschmann

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer
www.kde.org - amarok.kde.org

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