For rokymotion

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at
Thu Nov 20 13:43:24 CET 2008

> Exactly my thoughts.  In fact, I would only talk up the Linux version
> with the 2.0 release unless we're asked about the Mac/Windows one.  Let
> 2.0 be reviewed, let a few bugfix releases get out the door where we can
> pretty our UI, add some better features, figure out how to get at least
> iPod handling on Windows and Mac working/distributed, and so on, and
> then we can hopefully use the strength of the hopefully good regard that
> 2.0 gives us to promote the Mac/Windows versions.  Those will be big
> deals; let's not rush into them until we're very ready.


Well said!

- Nikolaj

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