KDE 4 walkthrough

Lydia Pintscher lydia.pintscher at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 19:51:05 CET 2007

Heya :)

Seeing that a lot still needs to be done wrt promotion of KDE 4
Rokymotion is offering some help before the release of Amarok 2.

After talking to Sebas we came to the conclusion that a KDE 4
walktrough would be the thing to do. This should include stuff like
"How to add Plasmoids", "All the cool stuff you can do with Krunner"
and similar things that people might not see when they have a first
look at KDE 4. More ideas are very welcome. Basically we want to get
people to see the small special features.

Progress can be tracked here:
Please get in touch with me or apachelogger to get edit rights.

So far gnux agreed to write something for it and Troy might be able to help.

Rokymoters: Please raise your hands if you want to help.
KDE-promo-people: Help/input is very much appreciated. If there is
anything else that we can do please tell us.


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok team        community manager
amarok.kde.org     claimid.com/nightrose

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