Hello amarok developpers,<br>I use amarok since version 1.3 and I'm very happy with it :)<br>But now, I have a very specific use case for a "dj playlist" that I don't know how to handle with the current dynamic playlist functionnality and I think it would be a nice idea to add to amarok.<br>
<br>Here the problem : I sometime organise small dance parties with friends and I'm the one who set the music, I usually prepare my playlist before the party, or I do dj in real time (using amarok, of course...)<br>What I would like to see, is a mode to play dynamically song grouped by genre (or any other tag).<br>
Let me explain, I want for example (and this is what I'm actually doing), play between 3 and 6 musics where the tag is "rock", then between 3 and 6 where the tag is "pop" and then between 2 and 3 "slow", and restart with the "rock" phase.<br>
The ideal for me would be a "DJ mode" in the playlist panel that let me select how many queries I want, and for each query, let my set a range of songs to play.<br>in that case, my queries would be :<br><br>1 ) "genre=rock" range 3-6<br>
2 ) "genre=pop" range 3-6<br>3 ) "genre=slow" range 2-3<br><br>[x] when the playlist finishes, generate a new one.<br><br>If this is already possible with current amarok features, I'll be very happy to know how to do that. If it is not the case, do you think it would be a nice addition to dynamic playlist and do you plan to add something like that ?<br>
<br>thanks :)<br>