Amarok is definitely going the right direction :) <br><br>However one thing, that in Amarok l find a bit off, is playlist background color. Its a bit too dark thus looks more like a contextual info panel rather than one of the most important part of music player.<br>
<br>I've attached a screenshot comparing it with Dolphin (and in some way with Writer) with an additional explanation. Copy paste of it:<br><br>
        <meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <meta name="GENERATOR" content=" 3.1 (Linux)">
        <style type="text/css">
                @page { margin: 2cm }
                P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm }
        --></style><div style="margin-left: 40px;">In most applications panels are designed to either display additional info (like in Dolphins info panel) or a short list of shortcuts to jump around the system. Panels are also often darker and looks more as a part of a window frame itself, rather than an extension of content in a middle. And it looks clear and elegant.<br>
<br>Middle part – the go to action place – is always bright and easily “detectable as a place where you should do something”.<br><br>In Amarok's case it looks like as if context applet is “the go to action” thing, while playlist just a sidebar with additional info. Its obvious, that playlist is much more important than a context applet.<br>
<br>I think, that it is worth considering making playlist background brighter – not exactly white, but at least -50%. Having it similar as context applet it would not only make it look like more Dolphin with split view (where both sides are call to action areas), but also Amarok itself more elegant.<br>
</div><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">What do You think?<br><br><br></div><br>And about Ralf's comment about playlist search bar, might be it is possible to make it auto appearing when user starts typing over it? Like in Firefox?<br>