<p>I have analyzed the file organizer and here are my recommendations :</p>
<p>Here's the textual log from the image :</p>
<p>Renamed the window title to a more<br /> descriptive name.</p>
<p>I put all modes in one place because<br /> it was confusing that all three<br /> modes were at different places<br /> in all three screens.</p>
<p>Reduced the icon sizes, put them in<br /> a multi-line area and removed<br /> the captions. I replaced them with<br /> a single caption at the bottom, which<br /> is also used to help people by saying<br /> "Drag above elements to the box<br /> below to compose file name and<br /> destination." </p>
<p>Removed reduncancy by putting the<br /> path at only one place. I also added<br /> a trash target because it's not <br /> obvious for the average user how<br /> to delete the elements once they<br /> are in the box.</p>
<p>Another problem is mouse feedback.<br />When you drag and drop elements, you<br />get the ø icon, and the same goes for<br />when you drag elements out of the drop<br />target to delete them. It should provide<br />a correct mouse feedback for both operations.</p>
<p>All you have a nice day,</p>