hey all,<br> In the transition ContextBrowser -> ContextView we have left behind (thankfully) KHTML. That also of course means that we leave behind easy styling via CSS. In any case, it seems advisable to leave the custom CSS behind as it would be a mess to implement in the CV (and speed is a major win that the QGV has over the old KHTML engine). So the question remains: what/how do we want to allow customization of text inside items in the contextview?
<br><br>obviously people like to have customized applications---that is made evident by the wealth of themes available on <a href="http://kde-look.org">kde-look.org</a>. it would be greatly beneficial IMHO to find a balance between speed/code cleanliness while letting the user have some control over the general look of Amarok. after all, the CV will be front and center in Amarok
2.0.<br> <br>leo<br>-- <br>______________________________________________________<br>Leo Franchi <a href="mailto:angel666@myrealbox.com">angel666@myrealbox.com</a><br>665 Channing Ave <a href="mailto:lfranchi@gmail.com">
lfranchi@gmail.com</a> <br>Palo Alto cell: (650) 704 3680<br>CA, USA home: (650) 329 0125<br>Junior,<br>Palo Alto High School, <a href="http://euthydemus.homelinux.net">http://euthydemus.homelinux.net
</a><br>65 Embarcadero Road,<br>Palo Alto,<br>CA, USA<br><br>GPG Key Fingerprint: 713F 1C92 11E3 4696 D067 B681 72D5 EAF0 1499 8B03<br>Key ID: 14998B03<br>Public key: <a href="http://euthydemus.homelinux.net/pub_key.txt">