Queries regarding GSoC project "Social music - Tomahawk features in Amarok"

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Tue Apr 3 10:41:16 UTC 2012

Hi Vikash,

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 16:36, vikash anand <vikashanand.mit at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everybody !!!
> I am very excited about this project and for the past few days i have trying
> to figure out the working of Tomahawk.
> Implementing its features in Amarok is a great idea !!!.
> As of now, i have found that Tomahawk uses "Playdar" a music content
> resolver, which has an embedded server that allows interaction between user,
> desktop apps and web apps and also the communication between various script
> resolvers.
> Since, tomahawk provides various resolvers ranging from
> twitter,youtube,spotify etc. I wanted to know that which features do we
> exactly need to implement in Amarok and how should i proceed for
> implementation of these features in Amarok ??

If you are still interested i working on this, could you please submit
your proposal to
http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2012  ? Please
make sure you format it well and provide a timeline. All proposals
need to be uploaded to melange within the next 3 days to be evaluated.

Regards, Myriam

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