Fingerprinting ... was Re: Thanks for MusicBrainz patch

Stefan Derkits stefan at
Tue Oct 5 03:00:21 CEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

> As stated in IRC and here before there is a reason why I chose phonon as audio 
> source. Using ffmpeg (or any other library for that matter) would mean that 
> the users can play files x,y,z.. and fingerprint either just a subset of those 
> files or more files then he can play with his current backend. For transcoding 
> this ain't a problem but in my opinion playback and fingerprinting should be 
> possible with the same files. Inconsistency is just bad here. I'd rather throw 
> my code into the trash then cripple it that way. As Sergey's code already is 
> in trunk now I don't see my code going there anyway. In fact since my code was 
> intended to produce fingerprints not only for tagging purposes but for the 
> database etc. having 2 fingerprint solutions would just create even more 
> confusion for the user (and the devs for that matter). I guess we are far 
> beyond discussing intersections between those 2 codes now. The decision has 
> already been made.

I must admit that I can't completly see the Inconsistency. Or if there
would be one, it would already be in Amarok and wouldn't be made worse
by Fingerprinting without Phonon.
Because the CollectionScanner anyways does scan Files via Taglib and
doesn't depend on Phonon. So at least for Fingerprinting in the
CollectionScanner there wouldn't be much of a Inconsistency in not using
Phonon, or?

And about the two different Fingerprinting Solutions ... I would
personally tend much more towards Fingerprinting as libofa is
not maintained and also not the primary Fingerprinting Solution used by
Does anyone know some Stats that would help compare the 2 Solutions?
Like Accuracy, Number of available Tracks in Database, Speed, ...?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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