Improve the dynamic playlists

Soren Harward stharward at
Thu Jan 28 01:20:36 CET 2010

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Ludovic DEVEAUX
<deveaux.ludovic31 at> wrote:
> We are students from Toulouse, France and we are working on Amarok as
> a university project. One our tasks is to work on the dynamic
> playlists.

I actually worked on an "automatic playlist generator" that combined
the features of "smart playlists" from amarok 1.4 and the dynamic
system in the 2.x series.  It never got into the main branch, but it's
available in the "generator" branch in my personal git repository:


The backend is solid, but the project stalled because I needed to
redesign the GUI, and just haven't had time to do it.  Take a look at
the code, and if you're interested in cleaning it up, I'll be more
than happy to help.  Send me an email off list.

Soren Harward

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