And here it cometh: Amarok Clone No. 6

Mathias Panzenböck grosser.meister.morti at
Wed Feb 24 16:31:07 CET 2010

On 02/24/2010 03:32 PM, Enrico Ros wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 February 2010 16:39:11 Casey Link wrote:
>>> I cannot understand why hate Amarok 2 ?!
>> It's quite simple really, this list of deductive (ok, maybe more
>> inductive) proofs that should explain once and for all why people hate
>> Amarok 2.
> I hope this list was just for fun! ;-)
> In case it wasn't then there is some lack of awareness of the pain that people
> felt. If this is not the case, you skip this mail as it contains some old
> history of an Amarok (2.2+) lover.
> I think that Amarok TODAY is great, but going back to the Amarok 2.0 days
> right where the ill feelings started, there are 3 strong pains I went through:
>   * 2.0 made me LOSE my database  with all ratings and playcounts - then some
> of the following releases screwed it again, and I didn't find the time to rate
> 4000 songs anymore - 4 years of dedication.. lost
>   * 2.0 did not play music - I was told to install gstreamer, xine, phonon,
> kdelibs, everything - a music player that didn't make any sound
>   * 2.0 crashed a lot (expecially when I was playing on public places, so I
> could get more blames) - I resorted using mplayer from the command line
> Each one of those, alone, was telling me to drop Amarok as my friends did, but
> I'm so much in love and I had to persist and try again, try again, try again.
> If I buy the new year's version of my Nokia phone it's because it is better,
> the same if I buy a new car, the same when I upgraded to Firefox 3, the same
> when I installed OpenOffice 3. Can you guess were I'm heading?
> Amarok 2.0 was so much a turn down from the 1.4 days that people just behave
> as expected:
>   1. look for another brand, or
>   2. stay with the same brand with little anger, or
>   3. love Amarok 2.0
> Today most of the people I know are moving back from 1 or 2 to 3, I was really
> happy seeing one of my friends buying an Amarok shirt at Fosdem ;-)
> In the end I leaned a lot. I experienced ill feelings, now they're gone, I see
> how complex the management of the best music player around can be, I
> understand better the dynamics of opensource vs users, and I love Amarok more
> than ever ;-)
> Enrico

In short: Users don't forgive regressions. Ever.


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