Playlist Usability Testing

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Wed Apr 29 00:46:15 CEST 2009

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Bart Cerneels <bart.cerneels at> wrote:
> This exposes the root cause for what is now a usability issue.
> Instinctively people want to use the queue as an editor.
> The question can be asked: when a fundamental design decision
> conflicts with the results of a usability test, is that problem
> solvable?

Again and again Bart and I have warned about the ambiguities that the
"Queue" feature introduces. Of course it is a usability issue. You
cannot have a "playlist-within-a-playlist" without running into major
usability issues. The effects of these are clearly visible now.

The current playlist itself _is_ our queue. Adding any number of
virtual playlists inside of this playlist makes it confusing.

Again I challenge you to think through the following theoretical
experiment: Imagine someone requested to add five levels of virtual
playlists (queues) instead of one - why stop at one. You could have a
second queue in the queue, a third one in the second queue, etc. Would
you still find that cool?

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer -

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