Encryption stuff in need of solutions

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at kde.org
Mon Jan 23 20:06:53 UTC 2012

Maybe I was a bit confusing.

What I meant was not to have an empty black containment when no
activity is active.

Just show a list of activities - the activity switcher (I wrote
manager the last time).

Once upon a time, we talked about having two levels in activity
switcher - the important ones in the wheel, and others in a grid. I
didn't like that idea, but a grid/list based dialogue for this could
be nice. (here, a wheel would be strange since it would need to cover
a whole screen)


On 23 January 2012 18:19, Marco Martin <notmart at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday 23 January 2012, Fania Bremmer wrote:
>> hmm, the only usecase where we need a "normal, non private" activity, is
>> when the user locks the screen with a private activity and doesnt insert
>> a pw - then he would be blocked on the lock screen, because of no fallback.
>> Second usecase would be the case that all activities are private, then
>> the user needs to enter these passwords to launch one activity. If he
>> doesnt enter any pw, what is displayed? Black screen?
> boh, only way i see is having an activity that has just and empty and black
> containment, that pretends to be "no activity" and would be treated
> differently
> no idea how to make the logic not overcomplicated and error prone, i really
> feel that as soon as there would be the concept of "no running activity"
> and/or all activities are encrypted the logic would *have* to become horribly
> more complex
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
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