mer and kwin compositing

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Jan 17 13:18:00 UTC 2012

Hi all,

just a quick heads up.
on meego we have the historic problem of compositing only properly working 
with  xrender. the problem is becoming worse since there seem to be some 
repainting issues now, about argb windows never updating their contents 
(that's the reason of complaints about the connman applet not working)

today an old qt4.8 related problem has been resolved on the Mer packages and 
we have plasma active booting correctly on the x86 mer image.
it for sure still has some issues and things that don't work, but nothing that 
can't be resolved with a bit of work, so i must say to everybody congrats and 
that i'm impressed with the progress of Mer.

i tried to enable opengl compositing for kwin and sure enough it's working 
perfectly and noticeably faster (i guess also kwin cpu usage during animations 
came down quite a bit as well)

So, that's even another argument to start to focus on Mer for the x86 image.

Marco Martin

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