ontologies importing

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 16:36:09 UTC 2012

Hi all,
I have a question about the importing of shared-desktop-ontologies.

since this is a thing that takes a very long time is something that
should be done as less as possible.
on active we are shipping a dump of the whole database to avoid this,
besides having a default setup (on devices we are moving towards
having an already setup home opposed to having any kind of first start
initialization script)

sometimes nepomuk will reimport the ontologies anyways, i guess
because shared-desktop-ontologies has been updated

tough some other times it seems to happen anyeays for no apparent
reason, for maybe 10 subsequent boots before stopping.

the issue seems quite difficult to debug: from what events exactly
importing the ontologies happens?

is there any way/plan to improve startup performance in this regard?

Marco Martin

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