Just Favorites in the AppStarter?

Sascha Manns Sascha.Manns at open-slx.de
Tue Sep 27 20:56:52 UTC 2011

Hello Thomas,

At Dienstag, 27. September 2011, 22:37:45 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > Is the new way to go to the "Search" Field?
> Nope, that won't find them either. The apps not shown are not supposed to be
> available in PA1 since they are not touch-optimized yet.
> The blacklist is still being discussed though, so there might still be some
> tweaks to it before release.
Ah that sounds good.

> You can also edit it manually, as sebas pointed out:
> "Note that these blacklist is not entirely static, it's rather easy for
> power users to change it (just copy it into your ~/.kde4/share/config/ and
> edit away, the next plasma-device restart will show the results)."

> > Is that what meant in Thread "remove or keep the activity view in the
> > Windows List"?
> Nope, this is what's meant in the thread "plasma-mobile] config: Refine app
> blacklist" ;)
Ok. I'm thinking that i'm understanding the new way. Blacklisting Apps is a 
good thing. Thanks for answering the Questions. :-)
Sincereley yours
Sascha Manns
open-slx GmbH
Community & Support Agent
openSUSE Marketing Team


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