Copy and Paste between Apps

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Sun Sep 25 13:06:36 UTC 2011

On Sunday 25 September 2011 13:49:44 Martin Gräßlin wrote:

> It's probably too late for PA1, but I could imagine to have Klipper being
> that part. It is already a button in the panel and would just need a touch
> friendly UI to allow copy an item to the currently active UI element.
> I would not like to have a context menu as they are terrible on touch ;-)
They are not very nice, that's true. On the other hand we already use them for 
resources on an activity, so our users have to be able to use them anyway. 
Plus, copy & paste is not really such a regular usecase for a mobile device.

But using Klipper for this sounds like good idea to me as well, so I'm 
personally still undecided ;)

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