Images - Slide to change vs. pan current picture

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Tue Sep 13 09:38:25 UTC 2011

 On Tue, 13 Sep 2011 11:02:58 +0200, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Saturday, September 10, 2011 14:41:09 Marco Martin wrote:
>> i'm open towards other ways to chose between swipe and pan (I also 
>> tought
>> about reserving for pan just a small area towards the screen 
>> borders)
> personally, i think the current mechanism is a good compromise and
> makes sense
> ... but the current presentation could use some tweaks. as you note, 
> the
> default should be to initially show the image so that it always fits 
> (making
> swiping always switch until the user purposefully zooms) and maybe it 
> would
> make sense to somehow indicate that the image has been zoomed in some
> way when
> it has been.

 +1, I guess these two changes should do the trick. The problem I faced 
 when using
 the application was that I was swiping through my collection of images 
 when all
 of a sudden the same gesture caused an image to pan instead of going to 
 the next one
 without me knowing why that happened (plus somehow it still panned even 
 when I zoomed
 out, but this seemed to have been a bug).
 But if panning only happens when I purposefully zoom in and I can see 
 that I zoomed in,
 it probably won't be confusing anymore.

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