active boot time traces, some time later..

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Nov 23 17:41:51 UTC 2011

On Wednesday 23 November 2011, Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> > on the screen locker good job, the mega patch seems to work very well in
> > active now ;) (hopefully shouldn't fallback anymore to the old lockscreen
> > from which is impossible to get out)
> fallback to old locker is impossible as it is dead :-)

hugs :)

> > unfortunately right now the really big showstopper is the slowness of
> > kwin gles on meego. i fear if we won't be able to ship kde-workspace
> > master  with pa2 if it won't get solved...
> given that I broke my PA installation by having the great idea of updating
> to openSUSE 12.1 I could give meego a try again and look myself.
> But I fear that the issue is that the Intel graphics are just not capable
> of doing OpenGL 2 decently. There is a reason why we default to OpenGL 1
> for Intel on the desktop... I know we have one slow code path in the
> fragment shader which doesn't matter on decent hardware, but might matter
> on not so good hardware. The slow code path is an if-statement in the
> fragment shader. Yes a simple branch which is evaluated to false most of
> the time.

ugh, pain

> > ..or find a way to enable again compositing with xrender
> that's trivial: open kde-workspace/kwin/CMakeLists.txt read through the
> first few lines and change an OFF to ON :-)

okie ;)
also reenabling opengl1 could be an idea.
maybe only on i586, right now from what i seen on the n950 and tegra tablet 
videos they seem waay faster than the wetab

Marco Martin

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