Window Strip and KWin

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Sun Nov 13 12:18:09 UTC 2011

On Sunday, November 13, 2011 10:52:43 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> now we have the QML based window switching capabilities including
> Thumbnails in KWin and it would make sense to use this for the window
> strip.
> I just see two difficulties to discuss:
> 1. How to mark the home screen window so that it is the first one?

isDesktop()? I recall we have a method like this somewhere, you probably know 
a lot better where than I do.

> 2. How to tell KWin where to show the window. The current code centers the
> window switcher on the screen, which does not make any sense, here.

Right now, we use XAtoms and pass -- I think -- absolute screen coordinates. 
Maybe we can still have some mechanism like this, I mean it's only about one 
rectangle on the screen which doesn't even change all that often. New API 
though, I guess.

sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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